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Installing on Ubuntu GNU/Linux from the .tar.gz file

Installing Autopano Pro on the Ubuntu distribution of GNU/Linux is quite simple.

  1. From your browser, click on the link for the appropriate .tar.gz file. For the current version, see this page: http://www.autopano.net/buy-autopano/download.html. For the latest Beta, this: Latest Beta.
  2. Save the file in a folder named AutopanoPro in your home directory: choose save file and OK, then from the file selector navigate to your home directory and select create folder. Type AutopanoPro for the name of the new folder and choose Save.
  3. From the desktop, select Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal to get a shell prompt.
  4. Set the current directory to the location where you downloaded the .tar.gz file: type cd AutopanoPro followed by the Enter key.
  5. Uncompress the file: type gunzip Auto followed by the Tab key to complete the file name followed by the Enter key.
  6. Expand the .tar file: type tar -xvf Auto followed by the tab key to complete the file name followed by the Enter key. The file name should end with .tar.
  7. Descend into the folder created by the tar command: type cd APP followed by the Enter key.
  8. Run the program: type bash Auto followed by the Tab key to partly complete the file name, followed by .sh and the Enter key.

To run the program at a later time:

  1. Select Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal to get a shell prompt.
  2. Descend into the program's folder: type cd AutopanoPro/APP followed by the Enter key.
  3. Run the program: type bash Auto followed by the Tab key to partly complete the file name, followed by .sh and the Enter key.
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