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Autopano - Main Window - Toolbar


Browse folder icon Browse folder

This icon allows you to browse a folder and extract all the images before sorting them in groups.


During a shooting, the camera attributes the EXIF data to each picture.
This data contains information such as the focal length, aperture, the date and time of shooting, the brand and model of the camera, etc.

Generally, there is a time span of a few seconds between the pictures and composition of a panorama.
A picture isolated in time does not belong to a panorama.

Autopano will therefore combine images based on the date and time of shooting in using the moments when there are no pictures as a delimiter between two groups.


When you start analyzing a folder, Autopano gathers all the images in it, recognizes the images belonging to the same panorama and groups them.

NEW In case Autopano cannot detect the right amount of panoramas after you dropped all the images from multiple panoramas (composed with the same number of pictures), you have now the possibility to set the number of pictures (stacked or not) per panorama:
To do so, click the Browse folder icon, set the Average number of images per panorama, set the Maximum time-lapse (sec.) to 0 (zero), then click OK
Expl: In the screenshot below, if you have multiple panoramas composed of 12 pictures each


Browse folder window

Button "..."

Lets you select the file that you want to analyze.

Recurse into subfolders

If this box is clicked, Autopano will analyze all of the folders contained in the selected folder beforehand.
Images contained in different folders are placed in different groups.

Auto detection

Automatically starts the detection of panoramas and displays the previews for all groups created.

Minimum number of images

This value limits the minimum number of pictures present in a group.

Average number of images

This value influences the number of pictures present in a group.
This is by no means a limit and you can always create new groups, add and move images between the groups from the group window.

Maximum time lapse

The pictures are examined in the order of shots; for a picture to be placed in the same group as the previous picture, the time interval between shots needs to be less than this maximum time lapse.

Don't mix landscape and portrait

If you click this box, the groups cannot contain images in portrait and landscape mode at the same time.

Group by focal

If you click this box, the groups will only contain images with the same focal length.

Creation of groups

The groups are created based on 2 values: Average number of images and Maximum time lapse

  • Autopano considers that all the selected file images form one group. The images are classified by shooting date (the EXIF shooting date) in ascending order.
  • The algorithm then searches for the largest time gap between 2 consecutive images.
    • If this gap is already lower than the 'Maximum time lapse, the algorithm stops because it means that all images were each taken with a gap lower than the Maximum time lapse.
    • If this gap exceeds our Maximum time lapse limit, it divides this group into 2.
  • The algorithm continues to divide the groups until the image number limit reaches the Average number of images.

Examples of use:

  • Average number of images = 1 and Maximum time lapse = 10
    • The groups that do not have images will be separated by a maximum of 10 seconds. Groups with one picture can exist.
  • Average number of images = 1000 and Maximum time lapse = 10
    • Groups may have approximately 1000 pictures each but the time gap between the images is not guaranteed to be 10 seconds for each group.

Select images icon Select images

This icon allows you to import images into Autopano by directly clicking them.
The selected images will be placed in the same group.

Import from... icon Import from...

Click on this button to open the Import Wizard.
This module is also accessible via the menu (File/Import...)

Batch Renderer icon Batch Renderer

This icon opens the Batch Rendering menu.

Help icon Contextual help

Click on this icon to activate this tool. Then click on the icon of your choice to view information about its use.

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