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Partial bracketing


Sometimes you need to use bracketing and exposure fusion to have beautiful results especially when you have a very dynamic scene to capture : very dark and very bright areas in the same scene.
But you do not always need to shoot bracketed pictures in every direction, for example if you want to capture a 360° panorama in a room with a single window, you only have to take several exposures in the direction of the window.
This is called partial bracketing.

The Basics

Icon attention.png Notice: you need to be confortable with the HDR/LDR tutorials before using partial bracketing : LDR Workflow.

Example : room with a single window

The Shooting

  • Equipment: Nikon D5100
  • Number of images: 4 photos with an adapted exposure for the interior and 3 more brackets (underexposed) in direction of the outside :

The Shooting

Importation and detection

Import your images in to Autopano. If the stack of your bracketed shots is not automatically generated, select them, right click and select "Group selection into stack", as shown in the LDR tutorial. Make sure that the main picture of your stack has the same exposure that your non-bracketed images.


As you see, there is only one stack in the group, it can also be done with several stacks, if you have multiple windows in your room, for example.
If you are sure that your bracketed images are perfectly aligned (tripod shot) set the option "Use hard links" (for a stack) in the detection settings and launch the detection.


Here you can see the main layer (room exposure) and three more layers (outside exposure):

Different layers

Enable the fusion in the panorama editor and adjust the parameters to your convenience, especially the multiband blending level to have the best results.

Activate fusion


Render your image as shown in the LDR fusion tutorial. Here is a quick comparaison between a classic render and the fusion :

Fusion vs No fusion

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